

Book Online


Quarter Page Portrait


Half Page Landscape


3 / 4 Page


Full Page


Quarter Page Landscape


Half Page Portrait

Artwork Rates
Quarter Page
£ 10.00
Half Page
£ 20.00
3 / 4 Page
£ 30.00
Full Page
£ 40.00

All images and copy to be supplied by advertiser Artwork supplied by advertiser must be in the correct formate or and extra charge will incur. An extra £10 charge for re-formatting artwork.

Prices include Web presence

Prominent Position: Placed next to a Prayer Timetable :
WEB BANNER ADVERT : £30 for Ramadhan

Title Sponsor (includes back cover, front logo, billboard)
£ 1450.00
Inside Front Cover
£ 595.00
Centre Spread 2 Pages
£ 675.00
Inside Back Cover
£ 595.00
Inside Back - Left Hand Page
£ 375.00
Page 3
£ 500.00
All sponsorship ads will feature a logo at the front and on a billboard with the words 'sponsored by' and feature ad.

(All prices include VAT)

Book Online


Quarter Page (Landscape)
Quarter Page (Portrait)
Full Page
Half Page (Landscape)
Half Page (Portrait)
3/4 Page
Billboard Logo
Web Banner


Title Sponsor
Cover Fold Double Spread
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
Centre Spread 2 Pages
Inside Back Cover (Left Page)
Page 3
Artwork to be supplied

If you require artwork to be designed by the Ramadhan Publications graphics team then please leave note in the comments box and a member of our team will be in touch.


We hereby apply for advertising space / sponsorship in the Ramadhan 2023 Booklet.
We hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as listed.
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